Provably is a middleware that addresses the task of verifying SQL queries. Instead of using general purpose SNARKs, Provably verifies analytics-based (aggregate queries in or in SQLesque) queries using various cryptographic tools and not relying upon general ZK proof systems. Moreover, Provably expresses analytical queries in a high-level, SQL-like syntax, which avoids the non-trivial task of translating the queries into a low-level format and is readily understandable by data analytics practitioners.
Provably provides three proofs that confirm verifiability of query results:
Correctness: all the records that contribute to the query’s answer satisfy the selection conditions of the query.
Completeness: only the records satisfying the selection conditions of the query contribute to the answer.
Membership: all the values contributing to computing the query’s result belong to the database columns involved in the query without revealing all the other values.